K.N.Shruti the Chennai girl and Dhruv S from Lucknow, both are Class XII students. They will be part of an international group of high school students taking part in the "Cape Farewell Youth Expedition 2008."
These two Indian Climate Champions are all set to go on an voyage to Arctic to further study on climate change. The timing is good. The world is hot debating on measures to counter global warming and the act of these two young school students will be noted well. These two had recently won the title of "Indian Climate Champion."
Shruti and Dhruv, were selected after a nationwide competition organised by the British Council. They were involved in powerpoint presentations to video making. They are set to leave for Canada on August 30 from where they sail to the Arctic.
Cape Farewell youth expedition is an international project about climate change. Top scientists, artists, educators and high school students from around the world joined together on an Arctic voyage of discovery.
The two will board M V Akademik Shokalskiy in Reykjavik, Iceland, on September 7, skirt the southern tip of Greenland and disembark in Iqaluit, Baffin Island, Canada, on September 20.
For Shruti, saving the planet is everyone's responsibility.
Dhruv has a blog in his name with the title "Dont be a Chicken."
He has conducted seminars for students and teachers on the subject. Dhruv is on the voyage to discover ways to reduce the carbon footprint of an area.
They were both selected after they were adjudged Indian Climate Champions.
Like these two… there are so many others, recognized people who have been silently helping this world with their inbuilt talents.
In the same way we common people too need to embark on combating this climate change in our own way. A little here and there playing active part in combating climate change will do.
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