Is United Nation serious when it is taking up discussions on climate treaty in Copenhagen in December? I think not so. But it is good that some initiative is being taken. Maybe some 10% of improvements could be seen by this effort of theirs.
India had not agreed initially to reduce its Green House Gas emissions citing that its per capita emissions are very low compared to developed nations. It argues that this would hurt its economic growth.
But now it has come forward to take steps in reducing Carbon Emissions. It’s because China has come forward to reduce its Carbon Emissions. The question now is how serious then India is… in reducing Carbon Emissions. And China! Don’t ever believe them. They will not for sure reduce the emissions but they would perpetuate it and they know that no one can question them.
Recently a bill was passed by the US House of Representatives, which imposes tariffs on products imported from countries that do not undertake emission-cut targets.
But the developed world is not ready for funding the developing worlds and share its technology with the developing world. Only this can bring any positive results.
For now, a number of obstacles have to be overcome before the crucial climate change negotiations at Copenhagen in December.
The US, under the present Administration, has also made a commitment to cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 80 per cent by 2050 compared with 1990. Maybe this is believable.
Japan too has committed itself for reduction of emissions by 25 per cent by 2020.
These developments have put pressure on India and China to fall in line. If China is number one rogue, India cannot be far behind in going back on their promises.
China has said that it will pursue a national climate change programme. It includes mandatory targets for reducing energy intensity. It has also planning to increase forest coverage and share of renewable energy during the time period of 2005-2010. People only need to dream this. This is just an eye washing the world and they are not going to do anything. China’s one aim is just develop catch market in every country. Supply arms and ammunitions to all parts of the world and make profits. The use of weapons itself is enough for heating up the earth. Has anybody till now come forward to make them accountability for this.
India plans to have regular dialogue with China and exchange views on their action plans on climate change. India will never get any feedback from China since China would have never started it as promised!
Indian politicians are shrewd enough; they have come to power by giving false promises to people of their land. In the same token, they can give any promises to the world at large.
India has committed itself to a mandatory fuel efficiency cap, which is to begin in 2011. On energy front, it says its renewable sources will account for 20 per cent of India's power usage by 2020. It has also announced an ambitious solar energy plan.
In the absence of any financial and technological assistance, India will never show their efforts at greenhouse emissions reductions to international verification.
Having said all this, I will be the happiest person if both India and China keep up their promises and do more than that in bringing down their Carbon Emissions.
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