A last minute deal on 20th Dec 2009 at the Copenhagen Summit fell short of any expectation to reduce global warming.
It was believed that a planet-saving treaty among the leaders into strong commitments to shrink their carbon footprints would come out but a three-page political accord with key numbers are yet to be filled in.
It was believed that a planet-saving treaty among the leaders into strong commitments to shrink their carbon footprints would come out but a three-page political accord with key numbers are yet to be filled in.
The Nobel-winning UN science panel had warned that if average temperatures increases by more than 2.0 degrees Celsius it could lead to severe climate change.
Studies are going on which suggests that the planet could hot up by around 6.0 C and that sea levels may rise to more than 3.25 feet by 2100. This can only be overcome if we slash CO2 concentrations in the Earth's atmosphere.
This would then result in millions of people migrating to safer places where the climate is not harsh.
This would then result in millions of people migrating to safer places where the climate is not harsh.
Countries at Copenhagen are not having faith on one another and are waiting to see what other countries have to say about the steps they are taking. If other countries are not coming forward for any reduction in their carbon footprints then every other country feels that they too will have freedom to emit Green House Gases. There is diverging interests among nations with regard to carbon emission cuts.
Mitigation targets have not been finalized yet and this is a problem that they are facing.
The accord has also failed to set a target for 'peak year' for global CO2 emissions, ideally around 2015.
It is hoped that there is some willingness to take action, so that we might limit the rise to 3.0 C - 4.0 C, and avoid the unknown territory that lies beyond.
The accord has also failed to set a target for 'peak year' for global CO2 emissions, ideally around 2015.
It is hoped that there is some willingness to take action, so that we might limit the rise to 3.0 C - 4.0 C, and avoid the unknown territory that lies beyond.
People are very much worried that an understanding has not been reached among the countries.
It is now left with the public to mitigate their emission levels in their households and while travelling.
On the unavoidable circumstances when without any other option you become responsible for carbon emissions then you can compensate it by buying carbon credits from a reputed carbon trading company. One such company is Carbon Advice Group where you can freely become member and you have the options to earn money too.
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