Change The World To A Sweet Place To Live In

Today people are moving indifferently. Where this indifference will lead them, they know not. Transmission is what the present world needs from everyone. Transmission in people around the world will make the earth a safe place to live in.
During olden days, people who adopted Buddhism followed that faith to their heart. And it was olden days…
It was good that Shih-kung was a hunter - a simple person, a simple life, running after wild animals. Must have been a wild man. That’s why this transmission became possible.
He strongly disliked Buddhist monks, who were against his profession.
A simple man. He disliked Buddhist monks because Buddhism is against hunting, against any kind of violence. One thing to be remembered: hatred is far better than indifference. It is very difficult for an indifferent person to be transformed. But he was so much full of dislike, so full of hatred for the Buddhist monks and Buddhism that the change, the radical change, was not difficult!
Hate is love upside down, hate is love doing sirshasan, standing on its head. And a man who is standing on his head can be easily put on his feet; that is not very much difficult. The indifferent person is the most difficult person.
And that what has happened to the contemporary mind. In the past there were theists, there were atheists; now there are neither theists nor atheists. There are only indifferent people who don’t care a bit about religion. And they are in both the camps, but in fact ninety-nine point nine percent people of the world today are neither theist nor atheists. In fact, it is thought to be impolite to discuss such matters. In high society in this age of information technology people don’t argue about God. It is a question of liking. “If you like roses, good. I don’t like roses.” The matter is finished! There is no question of argument. It is a question of likes and dislikes. Nobody will be ready to be crucified for God or for godlessness. Who cares that much? Whether God exists or not does not matter.
This Shih-Kung was not an indifferent person, it was easy to transform him, he was initiated into meditation and he became a Monk.
Somewhere Al Gore started talking about this Global Warming. He came out with some terrible figures. And people started looking up. Then there are group of people who started calling this a hoax. Then there are people who are totally indifferent. People who call Al Gore and talk hatred about him are OK. But it is this indifferent people that is worrying all.
People mostly now started thinking of themselves rather than the future of their children. `Let the earth boil and burst to flames, I am ready to die; but I will take along with me, my sons, daughters, grandsons, granddaughters.' That is what most of the people think.
This is not good, being indifferent is not good, change in you is a must for change in the climate of this earth. I hear you saying, `o.k., I will change, tell me what to do, what you want me to do.’ What I am asking you is this simple thing. Very very simple, join our Group to start with… it’s FREE. Yes, it’s free; you are going to know what this world is going through, what transmission is needed by the world to make it a safe living. You will get educated, which is the need of the hour. Chances are you can use this opportunity to Earn money too through other ways.

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